The Xblade collection was the first collection released by XscapeNFT, and consists of 8888 unique Blades. This collection began as an IOU token before XLS-20 was released on the XRPL, starting with 40% of the IOU token supply being airdropped to the core community. By doing this, and releasing the airdrop a month after launching the project live, we gave the opportunity for users who were genuinely interested in becoming part of the community, the chance to get some tokens without any payment necessary. The Xblade IOU token traded throughout 2022, and could then be converted into an Xblade NFT once XLS-20 went live on the XRPL. The Xblade NFTs can now be traded on every top XRPL marketplace.
During 2022, we also co-founded the StaykX platform, by doing this we were able to create a completely automated daily rewarding mechanism for the entire XscapeNFT community. With Xblade holders receiving daily rewards in the $STX token, which is then used throughout the StaykX platform in order to stayk various other top XRPL tokens and NFTs. StaykX saw massive success and growth throughout 2022, becoming the biggest platform for daily token/NFT rewards on the XRPL. StaykX also provides Xscape with the ability to launch unique and interesting daily rewarding mechanisms for all of its collections. We plan on utilising the StaykX protocol for all future XscapeNFT collections, as we strive to continue to create new and unique rewarding structures for our collections.
Blade holders will continue to receive daily $STX rewards into the long-term future, as well as some unique holder benefits with regard to our future collections.
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